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FlashTesti on Google Page Rank

In this post I would like to tell a story about my new blog and how it is indexed in google's page rank.

Friday, February 9-2007.

I created a blog called flashtesti.blogspot.com. In this blog I put some flash animations that friendster or myspace users could use as testimonial. I also decided to put category in the posts, such as Valentine, Birthday, Love, Friends. But the blog only have few posts.

-- Google status: Not indexed

Saturday, February 10-2007.

I added some flash animation in Valentine, Friends and Love. The blog have almost 10 posts

-- Google status: Not indexed

Sunday, February 11-2007.

I added some flash animation in Birthday Category. The blog have almost 16 posts. I submitted the blog's address in google.
I also add this flashtesti.blogspot.com to mybloglog, technorati and few blog directories.
And I also add a flash testimonial to almost all my friends in friendster, as promotion ;)
Yes... I have the first visitor this day and he give a comment too.

-- Google status: Not indexed

Monday, February 12-2007.

I didn't add another flash animation 'cause I have no time. But I always monitor the blog report through extremetracker, mybloglog, and google sitemap.
The blog have several visitors, the referrer are mybloglog and friendster testimonial. There is no one from google search.

-- Google status: Yup, my blog is in google index.

Tuesday, February 13-2007.

Yup, the visitors increased this day. Most of them came from friendster testimonial. But I noticed that some visitors came with google search. Hooray... The keyword is valentine flash testimonial, but my blog position not in top 10 yet.

-- Google status: My blog is in the index and I have some visitors.

Wednesday, February 14-2007.

Today is the valentine day and I have larger visitors from Google Search. Then I realize that almost all of the visitor came from Google Search with several keywords (not only valentine flash testimonial). In extremetracking I have 135 unique visitors today and still counting :P

-- Google status: My blog is in the first place for several keywords, such as "valentine flash testimonial"

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