Baru dapet "ilmu" baru untuk ngedrop establised connection di server. Caranya dengan menggunakan aplikasi cutter.
Cara menggunakannya cukup mudah. Misalnya anda ingin memblok koneksi http (port 80) dari IP, cukup dengan:
#cutter 80
Cukup mudah bukan! Ini ada contoh yang saya ambil langsung dari websitenya:
cutter ip-address
Example: "cutter"
Cuts all connections passing through the firewall between any ports on the specified ip-address (either a "private" or "public" address) and any other hosts. This can be used to close down all incoming connections to a particular server, all outgoing connections from a particular client or all outgoing connections to a server.
cutter ip-address port
Example: "cutter 80"
Cuts all connections to or from the specified ip-address/port pair. This allows the user to be a little more specific than the previous example and allows targetting of specific services on specific hosts.
cutter ip-address-1 port-1 ip-address-2
Example "cutter 22"
Cuts all connections between ip-address-2 and ip-address-1/port-1. This allows the user to cut connections between a specified "client" and a particular service on a specified host. Our example closes host's SSH connection to server
cutter ip-address-1 port-1 ip-address-2 port-2
Example: "cutter 22 32451"
Cuts the specific connection between the two ip/port number pairs given.
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